April Fools!

DSCN6324 April snowstorm

Mother Nature had a mean joke for us as we were getting ready to depart for another long cross-country camping trip:  April began with about a foot of newly-fallen wet and heavy snow to shovel.  Two years ago we traveled for just under four months and didn’t leave until mid-June, but this year we’ll be on the road for a bit over five months, with departure only four days off.  We plan to be in the Canadian Rockies in late July-early August, but we need about an extra month and a half before that, when we’ll be vacating “Vagabond” to visit family, spend three weeks touring Peru, and cruise off the Washington coast for a week with friends in their boat.

This is our first new blog post since October 2015.  Last year, so we could enjoy summer at our lakeside home in N.H., we only went on short camping excursions.  The longest of those was four weeks to North Carolina and back.  Our other four trips last year were just three to six days long and closer to home (White Mountains, Maine coast, western Maine, and Pennsylvania & New York).

5 thoughts on “April Fools!”

  1. Wow! Big snow on 1 April!! That’s one of the reasons we settled in SoCal. Looking forward to your arrival by train about 29 April. Give us a heads-up call about a day ahead.
    Stay safe, brother. Love from Coronado

  2. Uncle Paul – so the news is out – you and Amy are venturing forth again for the great American adventure. I have to admit its fun reading your posts and viewing the images since it takes me away to great escapes I dream of – even for just a few minutes! Travel safe and keep posting! Mark

  3. Hi Paul and Amy – its Wed., 4/5 – are you on the road???Please stay in touch! Love from Dover, Janet, Terry and Mike too

  4. You got hammered with snow! Not us! Hope you are having a good trip so far! At least you are going south! Look forward to seeing your posts 😊

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