Day 54: We were dreading the traffic near Los Angeles, but fortunately didn’t hit any significant amount of traffic on our way to Coronado. Situated across the bay from San Diego, the very upscale city of Coronado has a Navy base, a long tradition as a tourist destination (including the iconic 19th century Hotel del Coronado), and a great beach. Paul’s brother Bob and his wife Marilyn have lived there since 1968 and raised their three sons there. What a great place for us to relax for a while and visit with folks we see none too often. The first thing we did after parking Vagabond in Bob & Marilyn’s driveway was to go for a swim at the Coronado beach. The water felt wonderful.
Day 55: Before getting down to serious visiting with the Lindsays, we devoted a day to visiting with retired friends Manya and Ken, who recently moved from N.H. to Carlsbad, Calif. They led us on a scenic bike ride along the coast in the morning. Later we had a nice long soak in their local swimming pool with their daughter Britta, son-in-law Judd, and grandson Kale, before reconvening for tacos and gelato in Carlsbad Village.
Days 56-58: The visit with Bob & Marilyn was the goal around which the rest of the trip was planned. This cornerstone of our big adventure was supremely enjoyable. Bob took us on bike rides around Coronado’s scenic and historic sites, including a variety of big old “heritage” trees.
We twice got together with Bob & Marilyn’s son Robb and his wife Rosa. Marilyn and Amy had lots to share about good recipes and good books. Bob showed Paul old family photo albums. The companionship and great meals (both home-cooked and at interesting eateries) got us well relaxed before beginning our return trip east via the desert Southwest.
You guys are having the most marvelous trip!! Look forward to the homeward bound posts.
How wonderful!