Craters of the Moon

The scenery for our Idaho hike was very different from our typical hikes.  Along the 52-mile-long Great Rift, in the Snake River Plain, lies an otherworldly landscape of ancient lava flows, lava tube caves, and cinder cones, and spatter cones from volcanic eruptions over the last 16 million years.  The most recent lava flow here was about 2,000 years ago.  We learned two words that will come in handy next March when we travel to Hawaii:  a’a’ and pahoehoe, describing the two basic forms of lava.  We saw lots of both pahoehoe lava (the smooth type) and a’a’ lava (the rough type) as we hiked in Craters of the Moon National Monument.  There is very little plant life growing on the lava even after 2,000 years.  The a’a’ lava (a’a’ means “hurts the feet” in Hawaiian) is extremely rough and very hard.  One can imagine the difficulties faced by the emigrants traveling west along the Oregon Trail in this region!

old cinder cone, rough a'a' lava, and smooth pahoehoe lava
old cinder cone, rough a’a’ lava, and smooth pahoehoe lava
big crater of a cinder cone
big crater of a cinder cone
shooting star
blazing star
touring a lava cave
touring a lava cave

The next day we biked in more friendly terrain in the foothills of the Sawtooth mountains.  In the photo of our lunch spot, note the sandstone picnic table and bike rack.  The gravel bike trail followed a river valley north of Ketchum.

lunch along the Harriman bike trail
lunch along the Harriman bike trail
Boulder range
view of Boulder range from bike trail
flowers beside the bike trail
flowers beside the bike trail

One thought on “Craters of the Moon”

  1. Hi Amy and Paul,

    It was great meeting you at Craters of the Moon. Thanks for the info on your blog. Dave and I are back in Sunnyvale, CA, and are thoroughly enjoying reading your travels across the country. I love the simplicity of your blog, especially since I would like to do something similar and have never created a blog before. My sister had mentioned “WordPress” to me and now I have an example to view, thanks to you….thank you.

    Safe travels,
    Fran, Dave & Tedy (woof!)

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