28 Aug-1 Sep: Three is certainly an age of rapidly expanding horizons, and video chats are not an adequate substitute for personal contact over several days. We so enjoyed seeing how much Corwyn has learned since we saw her in November and how she is developing her own personality and ability for independent imaginative play. We read stories, played hide and seek, and generally had a great time together.
Amy thoroughly enjoyed the rug hooking conference, including a workshop in needle punching, a technique new to her. Some very impressive hooking was on display in the exhibit area of the conference, including Amy’s Vail Pass tapestry, which we hung in Lowry and Kyle’s living room after the conference ended. Two of Amy’s Monday-night craft group friends and another family member of one of them had also come out to the conference, so including all four husbands we filled a table of eight at the banquet. At the auction following the dinner, we were entertained by some very spirited bidding on certain items (as we sat on our wallets).
The day after the hooking conference ended, we were joined by N.H. friends Nancy and Bill and also Kyle’s parents Jim and Cheryl for a big turkey dinner cooked by Lowry.